Unser Curacao-Quiz

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View from the entrance of the Hato Caves onto the runway of CUR International Airport

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Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    Which day is Curacao's national holiday?


    July 2 is the Dia di Bandera. Flag Day (nl. Dag van de Vlag) is a public holiday and at the same time a huge spectacle.

    The blue and yellow flag of Curacao is hoisted everywhere, hung from windows and festively waved. Motorcades with flags cruise across the island and there is a memorial ceremony in Willemstad.

    You can imagine the whole thing to be similar to the jubilation after the 2014 World Cup final when Germany became world champions. Only in Caribbean style and in an even more exuberant mood.

    In 2024, the Dia di Bandera celebrated its 40th anniversary on Curacao, with free fans being distributed.

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Which day is Curacao's national holiday?


    July 2 is the Dia di Bandera. Flag Day (nl. Dag van de Vlag) is a public holiday and at the same time a huge spectacle.

    The blue and yellow flag of Curacao is hoisted everywhere, hung from windows and festively waved. Motorcades with flags cruise across the island and there is a memorial ceremony in Willemstad.

    You can imagine the whole thing to be similar to the jubilation after the 2014 World Cup final when Germany became world champions. Only in Caribbean style and in an even more exuberant mood.

    In 2024, the Dia di Bandera celebrated its 40th anniversary on Curacao, with free fans being distributed.

My Curacao

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

View from the entrance of the Hato Caves onto the runway of CUR International Airport

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    What does "Happy New Year" mean on Papiamentu?


    Felis aña nobo

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Which day is Curacao's national holiday?


    July 2 is the Dia di Bandera. Flag Day (nl. Dag van de Vlag) is a public holiday and at the same time a huge spectacle.

    The blue and yellow flag of Curacao is hoisted everywhere, hung from windows and festively waved. Motorcades with flags cruise across the island and there is a memorial ceremony in Willemstad.

    You can imagine the whole thing to be similar to the jubilation after the 2014 World Cup final when Germany became world champions. Only in Caribbean style and in an even more exuberant mood.

    In 2024, the Dia di Bandera celebrated its 40th anniversary on Curacao, with free fans being distributed.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser Partner divecuracao.info
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