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Kleines Quiz gefällig?
Quiz Question
Why does the Chichi look somehow familiar to you?Answer
The shape of the Chichi is slightly inspired by the Nana sculptures by French artist Niki de Saint Phalle. She fought for the women’s rights movements in Europe in the 1960s and became famous as a pop artist.
Chichi, in contrast, is a unique art figure created by Serena Israel and is an independent, registered trademark.
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Please note that the following information is a translation from German. As we are a company subject to German and European law, the imprint on our German website ( is legally binding.
Owner and responsible for the content of this website is:
Asolis GmbH
Heimgartenstraße 6
82377 Penzberg
Phone: +49 8856 9378844
Fax: +49 8856 9378845
Email: webmaster[at]asolis[dot]com
Registered office of the company: Penzberg
Register court: AG Munich, HRB 179919
Management: Stefan Rosenthal
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This legal notice also applies to our social media channels:
- YouTube: @relaxedcuracao (
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All contents of this website, in particular texts, photographs and graphics, are protected by copyright. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, the copyright lies with Asolis GmbH and its employees. Please contact us if you wish to use the content of this website.
Anyone who violates copyright law (e.g. copies images or texts without permission) is liable to prosecution in accordance with §§ 106 ff UrhG (German Copyright Act), will also be warned with costs and must pay compensation (§ 97 UrhG).
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Why does the Chichi look somehow familiar to you?Antwort
The shape of the Chichi is slightly inspired by the Nana sculptures by French artist Niki de Saint Phalle. She fought for the women’s rights movements in Europe in the 1960s and became famous as a pop artist.
Chichi, in contrast, is a unique art figure created by Serena Israel and is an independent, registered trademark.
#immerdabei – unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map – probier’s aus!
Please note that the following information is a translation from German. As we are a company subject to German and European law, the imprint on our German website ( is legally binding.
Owner and responsible for the content of this website is:
Asolis GmbH
Heimgartenstraße 6
82377 Penzberg
Phone: +49 8856 9378844
Fax: +49 8856 9378845
Email: webmaster[at]asolis[dot]com
Registered office of the company: Penzberg
Register court: AG Munich, HRB 179919
Management: Stefan Rosenthal
VAT ID: DE265651251
This legal notice also applies to our social media channels:
- YouTube: @relaxedcuracao (
- Facebook: (
- Instagram: relaxedcuracao (
All contents of this website, in particular texts, photographs and graphics, are protected by copyright. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, the copyright lies with Asolis GmbH and its employees. Please contact us if you wish to use the content of this website.
Anyone who violates copyright law (e.g. copies images or texts without permission) is liable to prosecution in accordance with §§ 106 ff UrhG (German Copyright Act), will also be warned with costs and must pay compensation (§ 97 UrhG).
We accept no liability for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and other materials.
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Für diese Seite sind unsere Kommentarfunktionen ausgeschaltet. Falls Du uns Feedback zu dieser Seite geben möchtest, kontaktiere uns bitte via E-Mail an webmaster[at]relaxedcuracao[dot]com oder die im Impressum genannten Kommunikationswege. Dankeschön!
Why does the Chichi look somehow familiar to you?Antwort
The shape of the Chichi is slightly inspired by the Nana sculptures by French artist Niki de Saint Phalle. She fought for the women’s rights movements in Europe in the 1960s and became famous as a pop artist.
Chichi, in contrast, is a unique art figure created by Serena Israel and is an independent, registered trademark.
#immerdabei – unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map – probier’s aus!