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Quiz Question
What is the name of the legendary cactus soup?Answer
Sopi Kadushi or Dushi Kadushi (soup).
In addition to stews with different types of meat, Dushi Kadushi soup is very popular on the island, especially with Zus.
Kadushi is a cactus native to Curacao. There are cacti that are inedible and also the Kadushi cactus, whose “meat” is used to make a traditional soup. In addition to the cactus pulp, the green soup contains vegetables, fish and other ingredients, depending on how it is prepared.
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Cruise jetty Curacao
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Quiz Question
What is the name of the legendary cactus soup?Answer
Sopi Kadushi or Dushi Kadushi (soup).
In addition to stews with different types of meat, Dushi Kadushi soup is very popular on the island, especially with Zus.
Kadushi is a cactus native to Curacao. There are cacti that are inedible and also the Kadushi cactus, whose “meat” is used to make a traditional soup. In addition to the cactus pulp, the green soup contains vegetables, fish and other ingredients, depending on how it is prepared.
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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz
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Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!
Quiz Question
Which cruise ship is currently anchored in Willemstad?Answer
If you are not on one of the ships yourself and already know, here are two links for you to check:
Curports – the official website of the Curacao Port Authority
Vesselfinder – shows all ships worldwide (some with photos and more detailed information)
Depending on how you look at it, it’s good to know when and how many cruise ships will be landing in Willemstad during your vacation. The capital is always very crowded. The benefit of this is that all the stores and restaurants are open.
If the mega pier in Otrobanda is already occupied, an ocean liner has to divert to the Sint Anna Bay strait. The arrival and departure is always spectacular!
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Quiz Question
What is the name of the legendary cactus soup?Answer
Sopi Kadushi or Dushi Kadushi (soup).
In addition to stews with different types of meat, Dushi Kadushi soup is very popular on the island, especially with Zus.
Kadushi is a cactus native to Curacao. There are cacti that are inedible and also the Kadushi cactus, whose “meat” is used to make a traditional soup. In addition to the cactus pulp, the green soup contains vegetables, fish and other ingredients, depending on how it is prepared.
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