Who are our Partners?

"Friendship is like home." (Kurt Tucholsky)

Our partners Aldrich Hermelijn from Curacao Chronicle and Bryan Horne from Dive Travel Curacao

Partnerships are a continuous process. You get to know each other, even appreciate each other over time, and at some point you realize that your individual ideas and goals match. And then you start to think about how you could realize the shared idea even better together. And then at some point you tell others – like you!

Who is part of the network?

They’re just like you and me – born and raised on the island or “emigrants” living their own personal dream on Curacao every day. We’ve been friends with our partners for a long time and see them often on the island, in Europe, or elsewhere.

Bryan Horne

He’s been successfully organizing unforgettable diving experiences as an “all-round carefree package” for you for many years. He works with the top addresses on the island (such as Ocean Encounters, Dive Bus and All West Diving). In addition, Bryan offers you comprehensive information and impressive videos of all the dive sites on his website divecuracao.info. He’s got great connections with the top hotels and accommodation providers (like Lions Dive) and can tailor your trip to be all about luxury or just diving. And he’s always on site, so he’s there for you whenever you need him. It’s a huge advantage!

Bryan Horne and Maike Rosenthal meet for an interview at Hemingway in Curacao

Bryan and Maike meet for an interview at Hemingway

Aldrich Hermelijn

He runs the largest English-language news channel curacaochronicle.com for Curacao as chief editor, is (like Bryan) a really nice guy. Aldrich is on the road every day and provides you – independently – with all the information you need before, during and after your stay. During the pandemic, this included unadorned and reliable daily Covid-19 figures for the island. With Aldrich, you’re in the loop and can stay informed about what’s going on island-wide, based on the facts, no matter where you are.

Aldrich Hermelijn, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Curacao Chronicle at the restaurant Ginger in Pietermaai, Willemstad

Aldrich being interviewed at Ginger

Louis Lopez Ramirez

He is the owner of the diving center Go West Diving and the All West Apartments in Westpunt, which is a diver’s paradise on Curaçao. Louis has become a favorite of ours because he offers safe diving with his team at the dive center right on Playa Kalki. His apartments at Playa Grandi are ideally located for divers. We got to know Louis through our best friends Sonni & Alex, who lived on the island a few years ago and have been friends with him for decades.

Susanne and Michael Goretzki, Lara Marchisella

Last but not least, we have Susanne and Michael with their daughter Lara! They run some great accommodations on Curacao, such as the Whitehouse in Lagun. We’ve been visiting the Whitehouse for several years, and we’ve done joint barbecues and various restaurant/bar tours. The result is a lively friendship. If you’ll be her guest, Susanne welcomes you warmly at Curacao. She is always there for you and there is no better introduction to the real “sweet spots” of the island than from her – personal and empathetic support included.

Michael and Susanne Goretzki, Maike and Lara Marchisella enjoying a refreshing drink at the Avila Beach Hotel, Curacao

Michael, Susanne, Maike and Lara enjoying a refreshing drink at Avila Beach Hotel

Other partners beyond the island

You might have noticed the professional underwater videos from the YouTube channel “Dive Curacao” in some of our articles. These were put together with passion and lots of work by our partner naturepicsfilms.com. A big thank you to Yvonne and Tilo Kühnast, whot support us and gave permission to offer you these fantastic insights into the underwater world. Have a look at their website to see more of their work. You can find their photos on all the major photo stock platforms. Do videos move you even more? Then you’ll find what you’re looking for on their YouTube channel.

Why do you promote your partners? Do you make money from it?

Absolutely not! We only recommend our partners “on site” because we’re convinced of them and they can simply organize your stay better (and probably even cheaper) than a travel agency here in distant Europe ever could. Our partners live on the island and are passionate about what they offer you and us. Talk to our partners! Mention that you heard about them through us and get your own individual offer. Asking costs nothing, even on Curacao.

What are or were your experiences like? Have you booked or spent time with one of our partners? Please leave us a comment. We’d love to hear about your personal experiences.

Kleines Quiz gefällig?

  • Quiz Question

    Where can you watch turtles underwater?


    At Playa Grandi in the west of Curacao.

    Fishermen bring in their catches here and throw their fish waste into the sea. In the mornings and late afternoons, this attracts numerous sea turtles: “Thank you for the fish”. You are guaranteed to see them up close while snorkeling or diving.

    Please enjoy these beautiful animals with respect and a little distance.

    They will thank you with their calming behavior, great photos and unique experiences that you can take home with you.

Du magst mehr? Hier ist ein Beitrag, der Dich ebenfalls interessieren könnte:

We, the Asolis team, are Project Leads - Software Architects - App Developers and our mascot is the "Little Asolis". This website is operated by the Asolis GmbH . You can find more details in the imprint or on our company website https://asolis.com.

Falls Dir dieser Beitrag gefallen hat, würden wir uns sehr freuen, wenn Du ihn auf Social Media mit Deinen Freunden teilst. Dankeschön!

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Who are our Partners?

"Friendship is like home." (Kurt Tucholsky)

Our partners Aldrich Hermelijn from Curacao Chronicle and Bryan Horne from Dive Travel Curacao

Partnerships are a continuous process. You get to know each other, even appreciate each other over time, and at some point you realize that your individual ideas and goals match. And then you start to think about how you could realize the shared idea even better together. And then at some point you tell others – like you!

Who is part of the network?

They’re just like you and me – born and raised on the island or “emigrants” living their own personal dream on Curacao every day. We’ve been friends with our partners for a long time and see them often on the island, in Europe, or elsewhere.

Bryan Horne

He’s been successfully organizing unforgettable diving experiences as an “all-round carefree package” for you for many years. He works with the top addresses on the island (such as Ocean Encounters, Dive Bus and All West Diving). In addition, Bryan offers you comprehensive information and impressive videos of all the dive sites on his website divecuracao.info. He’s got great connections with the top hotels and accommodation providers (like Lions Dive) and can tailor your trip to be all about luxury or just diving. And he’s always on site, so he’s there for you whenever you need him. It’s a huge advantage!

Bryan Horne and Maike Rosenthal meet for an interview at Hemingway in Curacao

Bryan and Maike meet for an interview at Hemingway

Aldrich Hermelijn

He runs the largest English-language news channel curacaochronicle.com for Curacao as chief editor, is (like Bryan) a really nice guy. Aldrich is on the road every day and provides you – independently – with all the information you need before, during and after your stay. During the pandemic, this included unadorned and reliable daily Covid-19 figures for the island. With Aldrich, you’re in the loop and can stay informed about what’s going on island-wide, based on the facts, no matter where you are.

Aldrich Hermelijn, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Curacao Chronicle at the restaurant Ginger in Pietermaai, Willemstad

Aldrich being interviewed at Ginger

Louis Lopez Ramirez

He is the owner of the diving center Go West Diving and the All West Apartments in Westpunt, which is a diver’s paradise on Curaçao. Louis has become a favorite of ours because he offers safe diving with his team at the dive center right on Playa Kalki. His apartments at Playa Grandi are ideally located for divers. We got to know Louis through our best friends Sonni & Alex, who lived on the island a few years ago and have been friends with him for decades.

Susanne and Michael Goretzki, Lara Marchisella

Last but not least, we have Susanne and Michael with their daughter Lara! They run some great accommodations on Curacao, such as the Whitehouse in Lagun. We’ve been visiting the Whitehouse for several years, and we’ve done joint barbecues and various restaurant/bar tours. The result is a lively friendship. If you’ll be her guest, Susanne welcomes you warmly at Curacao. She is always there for you and there is no better introduction to the real “sweet spots” of the island than from her – personal and empathetic support included.

Michael and Susanne Goretzki, Maike and Lara Marchisella enjoying a refreshing drink at the Avila Beach Hotel, Curacao

Michael, Susanne, Maike and Lara enjoying a refreshing drink at Avila Beach Hotel

Other partners beyond the island

You might have noticed the professional underwater videos from the YouTube channel “Dive Curacao” in some of our articles. These were put together with passion and lots of work by our partner naturepicsfilms.com. A big thank you to Yvonne and Tilo Kühnast, whot support us and gave permission to offer you these fantastic insights into the underwater world. Have a look at their website to see more of their work. You can find their photos on all the major photo stock platforms. Do videos move you even more? Then you’ll find what you’re looking for on their YouTube channel.

Why do you promote your partners? Do you make money from it?

Absolutely not! We only recommend our partners “on site” because we’re convinced of them and they can simply organize your stay better (and probably even cheaper) than a travel agency here in distant Europe ever could. Our partners live on the island and are passionate about what they offer you and us. Talk to our partners! Mention that you heard about them through us and get your own individual offer. Asking costs nothing, even on Curacao.

What are or were your experiences like? Have you booked or spent time with one of our partners? Please leave us a comment. We’d love to hear about your personal experiences.

We, the Asolis team, are Project Leads - Software Architects - App Developers and our mascot is the "Little Asolis". This website is operated by the Asolis GmbH . You can find more details in the imprint or on our company website https://asolis.com.

Beiträge, die Dich interessieren könnten:

Du bist selbst grad auf Curacao und lässt Dich von der karibischen Lebensfreude anstecken? Genieß es bitte in vollen Zügen! Wir wünschen Dir eine unvergeßliche Zeit auf unserer Trauminsel. Oder planst Du grad Deinen nächsten Urlaub? Lass und doch bitte wissen, ob unsere Beiträge und besonders unser “My Curacao” für Dich hilfreich sind und Dir bei Deiner Reisevorbereitung und dann später auch “vor Ort” geholfen haben.

Diese karibische Insel lebt und dauernd ändert sich etwas. Was hat sich seit unserem letzten Besuch verändert? Wie ist Deine Erfahrung? Magst Du bitte Deine persönlichen Erlebnisse mit uns teilen? Schreib gerne einen Kommentar unter unsere Artikel und folge uns auf unseren Social Media Kanälen. Dort kannst Du ganz spontan und unkompliziert Deine persönlichen Eindrücke mit uns und unserer Community teilen. Dankeschön!

Share gerne unsere Artikel mit Deinen Freunden – denn “sharing is caring”. Wir sind über jeden Follower dankbar!

Teile unsere Website mit Deinen Freunden!

Magst Du mehr lesen? Schau Dich doch auch in unseren anderen Rubriken um:

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– Partner Website –
Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quizfrage

    Where can you watch turtles underwater?


    At Playa Grandi in the west of Curacao.

    Fishermen bring in their catches here and throw their fish waste into the sea. In the mornings and late afternoons, this attracts numerous sea turtles: “Thank you for the fish”. You are guaranteed to see them up close while snorkeling or diving.

    Please enjoy these beautiful animals with respect and a little distance.

    They will thank you with their calming behavior, great photos and unique experiences that you can take home with you.

My Curacao

#immerdabei – unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map – probier’s aus!

– Partner Website –
Curacao Chronicle
  • The Wara Wara is a bizarre bird and an interesting contemporary at the same time. It makes funny noises and is quite useful,...

– Partner Website –
Unser Partner divecuracao.info
  • When I heard the first sounds of Papiamentu, the language spoken on Curacao, it reminded me of Spanish at first, but then no...

Who are our Partners?

"Friendship is like home." (Kurt Tucholsky)

Our partners Aldrich Hermelijn from Curacao Chronicle and Bryan Horne from Dive Travel Curacao

Partnerships are a continuous process. You get to know each other, even appreciate each other over time, and at some point you realize that your individual ideas and goals match. And then you start to think about how you could realize the shared idea even better together. And then at some point you tell others – like you!

Who is part of the network?

They’re just like you and me – born and raised on the island or “emigrants” living their own personal dream on Curacao every day. We’ve been friends with our partners for a long time and see them often on the island, in Europe, or elsewhere.

Bryan Horne

He’s been successfully organizing unforgettable diving experiences as an “all-round carefree package” for you for many years. He works with the top addresses on the island (such as Ocean Encounters, Dive Bus and All West Diving). In addition, Bryan offers you comprehensive information and impressive videos of all the dive sites on his website divecuracao.info. He’s got great connections with the top hotels and accommodation providers (like Lions Dive) and can tailor your trip to be all about luxury or just diving. And he’s always on site, so he’s there for you whenever you need him. It’s a huge advantage!

Bryan Horne and Maike Rosenthal meet for an interview at Hemingway in Curacao

Bryan and Maike meet for an interview at Hemingway

Aldrich Hermelijn

He runs the largest English-language news channel curacaochronicle.com for Curacao as chief editor, is (like Bryan) a really nice guy. Aldrich is on the road every day and provides you – independently – with all the information you need before, during and after your stay. During the pandemic, this included unadorned and reliable daily Covid-19 figures for the island. With Aldrich, you’re in the loop and can stay informed about what’s going on island-wide, based on the facts, no matter where you are.

Aldrich Hermelijn, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Curacao Chronicle at the restaurant Ginger in Pietermaai, Willemstad

Aldrich being interviewed at Ginger

Louis Lopez Ramirez

He is the owner of the diving center Go West Diving and the All West Apartments in Westpunt, which is a diver’s paradise on Curaçao. Louis has become a favorite of ours because he offers safe diving with his team at the dive center right on Playa Kalki. His apartments at Playa Grandi are ideally located for divers. We got to know Louis through our best friends Sonni & Alex, who lived on the island a few years ago and have been friends with him for decades.

Susanne and Michael Goretzki, Lara Marchisella

Last but not least, we have Susanne and Michael with their daughter Lara! They run some great accommodations on Curacao, such as the Whitehouse in Lagun. We’ve been visiting the Whitehouse for several years, and we’ve done joint barbecues and various restaurant/bar tours. The result is a lively friendship. If you’ll be her guest, Susanne welcomes you warmly at Curacao. She is always there for you and there is no better introduction to the real “sweet spots” of the island than from her – personal and empathetic support included.

Michael and Susanne Goretzki, Maike and Lara Marchisella enjoying a refreshing drink at the Avila Beach Hotel, Curacao

Michael, Susanne, Maike and Lara enjoying a refreshing drink at Avila Beach Hotel

Other partners beyond the island

You might have noticed the professional underwater videos from the YouTube channel “Dive Curacao” in some of our articles. These were put together with passion and lots of work by our partner naturepicsfilms.com. A big thank you to Yvonne and Tilo Kühnast, whot support us and gave permission to offer you these fantastic insights into the underwater world. Have a look at their website to see more of their work. You can find their photos on all the major photo stock platforms. Do videos move you even more? Then you’ll find what you’re looking for on their YouTube channel.

Why do you promote your partners? Do you make money from it?

Absolutely not! We only recommend our partners “on site” because we’re convinced of them and they can simply organize your stay better (and probably even cheaper) than a travel agency here in distant Europe ever could. Our partners live on the island and are passionate about what they offer you and us. Talk to our partners! Mention that you heard about them through us and get your own individual offer. Asking costs nothing, even on Curacao.

What are or were your experiences like? Have you booked or spent time with one of our partners? Please leave us a comment. We’d love to hear about your personal experiences.

We, the Asolis team, are Project Leads - Software Architects - App Developers and our mascot is the "Little Asolis". This website is operated by the Asolis GmbH . You can find more details in the imprint or on our company website https://asolis.com.

Beiträge, die Dich interessieren könnten:

Curacao lebt und dauernd ändert sich etwas. Was hat sich seit unserem letzten Besuch verändert? Wie ist Deine Erfahrung? Magst Du bitte Deine persönlichen Erlebnisse mit uns teilen? Schreib gerne Deinen Kommentar unter diesen Artikel und folge uns auf unseren Social Media Kanälen. Dort kannst Du ganz spontan Deine persönlichen Eindrücke mit uns und unserer Community teilen – “sharing is caring”. Wir freuen uns über Deinen Beitrag und jeden neuen Follower!

Magst Du mehr lesen? Schau Dich doch auch in unseren anderen Rubriken um:

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– Partner Website –
Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quizfrage

    Where can you watch turtles underwater?


    At Playa Grandi in the west of Curacao.

    Fishermen bring in their catches here and throw their fish waste into the sea. In the mornings and late afternoons, this attracts numerous sea turtles: “Thank you for the fish”. You are guaranteed to see them up close while snorkeling or diving.

    Please enjoy these beautiful animals with respect and a little distance.

    They will thank you with their calming behavior, great photos and unique experiences that you can take home with you.

My Curacao

#immerdabei – unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map – probier’s aus!

– Partner Website –
Curacao Chronicle
– Partner Website –
Unser Partner divecuracao.info