Unser Curacao-Quiz

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Kenepa trees can still be found today on the beaches named after them, Kenepa Grandi and Kenepa Chiki (Big and Small Knip)

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  • Quiz Question

    Who or what is Jan Kok?


    Jan Kok is the name given to the area on the other side of the St. Marie Bay salt pans. It is located just before the small village of St. Willibrordus.

    The salt pans are home to colonies of flamingos, sometimes very close to the shore, which you can observe up close. Directly opposite is the Jan Kok manor on a small hill, from where you have a wonderful view of the salt pans. The land house was built in 1840 and bears the name of the 18th century slave owner Jan Kok.

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Who or what is Jan Kok?


    Jan Kok is the name given to the area on the other side of the St. Marie Bay salt pans. It is located just before the small village of St. Willibrordus.

    The salt pans are home to colonies of flamingos, sometimes very close to the shore, which you can observe up close. Directly opposite is the Jan Kok manor on a small hill, from where you have a wonderful view of the salt pans. The land house was built in 1840 and bears the name of the 18th century slave owner Jan Kok.

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  • Five oversized, colourful letters announce it as you approach the bend. L A G U N is emblazoned on a rock face overgrown wit...

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

Kenepa trees can still be found today on the beaches named after them, Kenepa Grandi and Kenepa Chiki (Big and Small Knip)

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Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    How do I get from Punda to Otrobanda if the large steel gates of the Queen Emma Bridge are closed?


    Don’t panic, you can wait and watch the ship as it cruises in or out of St. Annabaai.

    Alternatively, you can walk a few meters further, past the Iguana Café to the end of the canopies. At the ferry pier, the oval, white and blue ferry boats, which look the same from the front and back (like toy ships), will take you from one shore to the other for free.

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Who or what is Jan Kok?


    Jan Kok is the name given to the area on the other side of the St. Marie Bay salt pans. It is located just before the small village of St. Willibrordus.

    The salt pans are home to colonies of flamingos, sometimes very close to the shore, which you can observe up close. Directly opposite is the Jan Kok manor on a small hill, from where you have a wonderful view of the salt pans. The land house was built in 1840 and bears the name of the 18th century slave owner Jan Kok.

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Curacao Chronicle
  • A visit to the Iguana Café is as much a part of a visit to Willemstad as the green iguana (zoolog. Iguana Iguana) is to Cura...

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  • I set out to learn where the name of the Kenepa beaches, Grandi and Chiki (also known as Big and Little Knip), came from. My...