Unser Curacao-Quiz

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  • Quiz Question

    What are “No see thems”?


    No see thems is more of a saying than a real name. Friends used to call a species of mosquito on Curacao by this name.

    No see thems are literally invisible because they are not black like mosquitoes, but rather brownish. They are so small and light that you can neither see nor feel them on your skin. Only the small, reddish bumps are visible afterwards 😉

    Glacial from Landhuis Chobolobo helps to cool itchy bites.

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What are “No see thems”?


    No see thems is more of a saying than a real name. Friends used to call a species of mosquito on Curacao by this name.

    No see thems are literally invisible because they are not black like mosquitoes, but rather brownish. They are so small and light that you can neither see nor feel them on your skin. Only the small, reddish bumps are visible afterwards 😉

    Glacial from Landhuis Chobolobo helps to cool itchy bites.

My Curacao

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    What kind of tree is the octopus tree in Westpunt?


    The tree, which is painted below as a red octopus and is the unmistakable landmark to Playa Piskado, is a manzanilla or manchinel tree.
    It is also known as beach apple, as its yellow-green fruits look like apples. But be careful, it is poisonous!
    More on this in the article.

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  • At the eye catching and remarkable peach-colored church of Sint Willibrordus turn sharp left. Drive over the three hillocks a...

Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What are “No see thems”?


    No see thems is more of a saying than a real name. Friends used to call a species of mosquito on Curacao by this name.

    No see thems are literally invisible because they are not black like mosquitoes, but rather brownish. They are so small and light that you can neither see nor feel them on your skin. Only the small, reddish bumps are visible afterwards 😉

    Glacial from Landhuis Chobolobo helps to cool itchy bites.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser Partner divecuracao.info