Unser Curacao-Quiz

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  • Quiz Question

    What is Divi Divi?


    The Divi Divi is an undemanding tree with feathery leaves that can grow on beaches in the middle of the sand.

    Typical for all Divi Divis and therefore a distinguishing feature is that all trees face south-west. This is due to the constant trade winds blowing from the north-east.

    The Divi Divi tree is the logo on the tail fins of the island-hopper airline Divi Divi Air. It connects Curacao with the neighboring islands of Aruba and Bonaire.

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Head of state Curacao

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is Divi Divi?


    The Divi Divi is an undemanding tree with feathery leaves that can grow on beaches in the middle of the sand.

    Typical for all Divi Divis and therefore a distinguishing feature is that all trees face south-west. This is due to the constant trade winds blowing from the north-east.

    The Divi Divi tree is the logo on the tail fins of the island-hopper airline Divi Divi Air. It connects Curacao with the neighboring islands of Aruba and Bonaire.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle
  • "…oh, and you’ve got to try an Awa di Lamunchi!" (Sonja S.) That's what my friend told us when we were about to order our we...

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    The cruise pier is full - where to put another cruise ship?


    The ship is towed into the Sint Annabaai strait (between Otrobanda and Punda), to Mathey Wharf. The swinging old lady (= Queen Emma Bridge) has to make way for this. When an ocean liner like this is anchored there, it is always the highest point in the city as soon as you turn your gaze towards St. Anna Bay.

    Our highlight was the departure of the “Perla del Mar” at night: Its majestic size, the many lights and, above all, the sounding of the ship’s horn were well worth witnessing live. And of course we didn’t forget to wave 😉

Curacao in Deiner Hosentasche

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is Divi Divi?


    The Divi Divi is an undemanding tree with feathery leaves that can grow on beaches in the middle of the sand.

    Typical for all Divi Divis and therefore a distinguishing feature is that all trees face south-west. This is due to the constant trade winds blowing from the north-east.

    The Divi Divi tree is the logo on the tail fins of the island-hopper airline Divi Divi Air. It connects Curacao with the neighboring islands of Aruba and Bonaire.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle
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Unser Partner divecuracao.info
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