Kleine Knip soon with toilets




Drone shot of the Kleine Knip - on the right-hand side is the old, dilapidated farm building

Sanitary facilities project at Kenepa Chiki

The Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature (GMN) has started the construction of new toilets at Kleine Knip Beach, which is called Kenepa Chiki in Papiamentu.

The beach, which has not been managed for many years, has no sanitary facilities. These are now to be built at the lower end of the beach (wherever that may be exactly). Construction will take around nine weeks. The Ministry apologizes in advance for any inconvenience caused by the construction work.

Reason for the construction of the toilets

According to the ministry, the lack of toilets led to dangerous situations. This measure is intended to improve the visitor experience at one of Curacao’s most popular beaches while ensuring public health and safety.

Construction plans at beaches critical

Unlike other construction plans for “concrete” beach clubs at locations such as Caracasbaai, Jeremi and Lagun, which sparked significant protests and petitions, the installation of the new toilets is considered a relatively minor intervention.

Note from the Relaxed Curacao editorial team

From our perspective, access and parking could be tight for the duration of the construction. The narrow access road is not exactly ideal for construction vehicles. The Curacao Visitors Forum will soon tell you to what extent construction noise will affect your stay on the beach.

We hope that the ancient, tall Kenepa trees on the left-hand side of the beach will not have to make way for the new toilets. The new building should blend in well with the surroundings and not take up too much parking space, so that the Kenepa Chiki does not lose too much of its flair and charm.

Many years ago, there was a farm building on the left-hand side of the Kleiner Knip, looking out to sea. It is now a ruin. Perhaps this opportunity will be used to demolish the old eyesore or maybe everything will shine in new splendor once the whole thing has been renovated? We’ll stay tuned!

First report of the Curacao Chronicle on October 30, 2024

Maike is our studied journalist. She feels most comfortable when her feet paddle alternately in the warm Caribbean sand and in the turquoise sea - above and under water. Her trained eyes discover all the little things on the edge of the path or reef that make the difference.

Luft auf ein kleines Quiz? Wir haben 100+ kurzweilige Fragen rund um Curacao zusammengestellt. Viel Spaß beim Rätseln!

  • Quiz Question

    The cruise pier is full - where to put another cruise ship?


    The ship is towed into the Sint Annabaai strait (between Otrobanda and Punda), to Mathey Wharf. The swinging old lady (= Queen Emma Bridge) has to make way for this. When an ocean liner like this is anchored there, it is always the highest point in the city as soon as you turn your gaze towards St. Anna Bay.

    Our highlight was the departure of the “Perla del Mar” at night: Its majestic size, the many lights and, above all, the sounding of the ship’s horn were well worth witnessing live. And of course we didn’t forget to wave 😉

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  • I set out to learn where the name of the Kenepa beaches, Grandi and Chiki (also known as Big and Little Knip), came from. My...

  • Playa Santu Pretu is, so to speak, the black sheep of Curacao’s beaches. Not a figurative metaphor, but a colorful reality. ...

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Kleine Knip soon with toilets




Drone shot of the Kleine Knip - on the right-hand side is the old, dilapidated farm building

Sanitary facilities project at Kenepa Chiki

The Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature (GMN) has started the construction of new toilets at Kleine Knip Beach, which is called Kenepa Chiki in Papiamentu.

The beach, which has not been managed for many years, has no sanitary facilities. These are now to be built at the lower end of the beach (wherever that may be exactly). Construction will take around nine weeks. The Ministry apologizes in advance for any inconvenience caused by the construction work.

Reason for the construction of the toilets

According to the ministry, the lack of toilets led to dangerous situations. This measure is intended to improve the visitor experience at one of Curacao’s most popular beaches while ensuring public health and safety.

Construction plans at beaches critical

Unlike other construction plans for “concrete” beach clubs at locations such as Caracasbaai, Jeremi and Lagun, which sparked significant protests and petitions, the installation of the new toilets is considered a relatively minor intervention.

Note from the Relaxed Curacao editorial team

From our perspective, access and parking could be tight for the duration of the construction. The narrow access road is not exactly ideal for construction vehicles. The Curacao Visitors Forum will soon tell you to what extent construction noise will affect your stay on the beach.

We hope that the ancient, tall Kenepa trees on the left-hand side of the beach will not have to make way for the new toilets. The new building should blend in well with the surroundings and not take up too much parking space, so that the Kenepa Chiki does not lose too much of its flair and charm.

Many years ago, there was a farm building on the left-hand side of the Kleiner Knip, looking out to sea. It is now a ruin. Perhaps this opportunity will be used to demolish the old eyesore or maybe everything will shine in new splendor once the whole thing has been renovated? We’ll stay tuned!

First report of the Curacao Chronicle on October 30, 2024

Maike is our studied journalist. She feels most comfortable when her feet paddle alternately in the warm Caribbean sand and in the turquoise sea - above and under water. Her trained eyes discover all the little things on the edge of the path or reef that make the difference.

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My Curacao - alle Highlights auf einer Map
  • Quiz Question

    The cruise pier is full - where to put another cruise ship?


    The ship is towed into the Sint Annabaai strait (between Otrobanda and Punda), to Mathey Wharf. The swinging old lady (= Queen Emma Bridge) has to make way for this. When an ocean liner like this is anchored there, it is always the highest point in the city as soon as you turn your gaze towards St. Anna Bay.

    Our highlight was the departure of the “Perla del Mar” at night: Its majestic size, the many lights and, above all, the sounding of the ship’s horn were well worth witnessing live. And of course we didn’t forget to wave 😉

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Kleine Knip soon with toilets




Drone shot of the Kleine Knip - on the right-hand side is the old, dilapidated farm building

Sanitary facilities project at Kenepa Chiki

The Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature (GMN) has started the construction of new toilets at Kleine Knip Beach, which is called Kenepa Chiki in Papiamentu.

The beach, which has not been managed for many years, has no sanitary facilities. These are now to be built at the lower end of the beach (wherever that may be exactly). Construction will take around nine weeks. The Ministry apologizes in advance for any inconvenience caused by the construction work.

Reason for the construction of the toilets

According to the ministry, the lack of toilets led to dangerous situations. This measure is intended to improve the visitor experience at one of Curacao’s most popular beaches while ensuring public health and safety.

Construction plans at beaches critical

Unlike other construction plans for “concrete” beach clubs at locations such as Caracasbaai, Jeremi and Lagun, which sparked significant protests and petitions, the installation of the new toilets is considered a relatively minor intervention.

Note from the Relaxed Curacao editorial team

From our perspective, access and parking could be tight for the duration of the construction. The narrow access road is not exactly ideal for construction vehicles. The Curacao Visitors Forum will soon tell you to what extent construction noise will affect your stay on the beach.

We hope that the ancient, tall Kenepa trees on the left-hand side of the beach will not have to make way for the new toilets. The new building should blend in well with the surroundings and not take up too much parking space, so that the Kenepa Chiki does not lose too much of its flair and charm.

Many years ago, there was a farm building on the left-hand side of the Kleiner Knip, looking out to sea. It is now a ruin. Perhaps this opportunity will be used to demolish the old eyesore or maybe everything will shine in new splendor once the whole thing has been renovated? We’ll stay tuned!

First report of the Curacao Chronicle on October 30, 2024

Maike is our studied journalist. She feels most comfortable when her feet paddle alternately in the warm Caribbean sand and in the turquoise sea - above and under water. Her trained eyes discover all the little things on the edge of the path or reef that make the difference.

Beiträge, die Dich interessieren könnten:

Falls Du diese News interessant findest, teile sie auf Social Media mit Deinen Freunden.

My Curacao - alle Highlights auf einer Map
  • Quiz Question

    The cruise pier is full - where to put another cruise ship?


    The ship is towed into the Sint Annabaai strait (between Otrobanda and Punda), to Mathey Wharf. The swinging old lady (= Queen Emma Bridge) has to make way for this. When an ocean liner like this is anchored there, it is always the highest point in the city as soon as you turn your gaze towards St. Anna Bay.

    Our highlight was the departure of the “Perla del Mar” at night: Its majestic size, the many lights and, above all, the sounding of the ship’s horn were well worth witnessing live. And of course we didn’t forget to wave 😉

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My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

  • I set out to learn where the name of the Kenepa beaches, Grandi and Chiki (also known as Big and Little Knip), came from. My...

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  • I set out to learn where the name of the Kenepa beaches, Grandi and Chiki (also known as Big and Little Knip), came from. My...