Unser Curacao-Quiz
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Quiz Question
What is the Blue Room?Answer
The ‘Blue Room’ of Curacao is a cave near the dive site Mushroom Forest on the coast of Santa Cruz. It is located between Boka Hulu and the black beach Playa Santu Pretu.
Sports enthusiasts can reach the cave from land. The entrance is difficult to see from the water: just a slit in the surface of the water. Inside, the round cave is completely bathed in blue light, hence its name Blue Room.
The Blue Room is ideal for snorkeling or for the end of a dive, as it is just under 6 metres deep.
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Quiz Question
What is the Blue Room?Answer
The ‘Blue Room’ of Curacao is a cave near the dive site Mushroom Forest on the coast of Santa Cruz. It is located between Boka Hulu and the black beach Playa Santu Pretu.
Sports enthusiasts can reach the cave from land. The entrance is difficult to see from the water: just a slit in the surface of the water. Inside, the round cave is completely bathed in blue light, hence its name Blue Room.
The Blue Room is ideal for snorkeling or for the end of a dive, as it is just under 6 metres deep.
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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz
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Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!
Quiz Question
Is it called Otrobanda or Otrabanda (the district of Willemstad)?Answer
Both are correct!
In the literal translation from the local language Papiamentu, Otrobanda means the “other side”. It doesn’t matter whether you say Otrobanda or Otrabanda, confirms Pablo from Iguana Ride, who offers city tours on e-scooters through the various districts.
Otrabanda is the district of Willemstad that lies opposite Punda. The St. Annabaai strait separates the two districts. How do you get across? The Queen Emma Bridge is for pedestrians, and the Queen Juliana Bridge is for all motor vehicles.
The picture shows the Briónplein in Otrobanda/Otrabanda with the flag of Curacao.
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Quiz Question
What is the Blue Room?Answer
The ‘Blue Room’ of Curacao is a cave near the dive site Mushroom Forest on the coast of Santa Cruz. It is located between Boka Hulu and the black beach Playa Santu Pretu.
Sports enthusiasts can reach the cave from land. The entrance is difficult to see from the water: just a slit in the surface of the water. Inside, the round cave is completely bathed in blue light, hence its name Blue Room.
The Blue Room is ideal for snorkeling or for the end of a dive, as it is just under 6 metres deep.
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