Unser Curacao-Quiz

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  • Quiz Question

    Queen Emma or Queen Juliana Bridge - which one crosses the Saint Anna Bay?


    Both 😉

    The bridges connect the districts of Otrobanda and Punda across the strait of St. Anna Bay.

    The Queen Emma Bridge is the ancient, wooden pontoon bridge that can be driven completely to the shore side of Otrobanda so that ships can pass. You can only cross the 167 meter length on foot or on a maximum of 2 wheels.

    The Queen Juliana Bridge is the main connection between the city districts by car and towers above everything. The steel bridge is painted in the national colors blue and yellow, 56 meters high and 500 meters long.

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Truki Pan

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  • Playa Santu Pretu is, so to speak, the black sheep of Curacao’s beaches. Not a figurative metaphor, but a colorful reality. ...

  • "I love seahorses! They are my absolute favorites underwater." For years, I have never missed an opportunity to look for sea...

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  • The Doppler Iguana Iguana in the name of Curacao's green iguana is basically correct. That's the scientific name of the rept...

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Queen Emma or Queen Juliana Bridge - which one crosses the Saint Anna Bay?


    Both 😉

    The bridges connect the districts of Otrobanda and Punda across the strait of St. Anna Bay.

    The Queen Emma Bridge is the ancient, wooden pontoon bridge that can be driven completely to the shore side of Otrobanda so that ships can pass. You can only cross the 167 meter length on foot or on a maximum of 2 wheels.

    The Queen Juliana Bridge is the main connection between the city districts by car and towers above everything. The steel bridge is painted in the national colors blue and yellow, 56 meters high and 500 meters long.

My Curacao

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    To which native Curacao artist were stamps dedicated?


    Since 2021, there has been a stamp series from Curacao in honor of the painter Nena Sanchez (1945 – 2017) with her most famous motifs:

    A Kunuku house, red flower blossoms, a rooster, a trupial (= an orange and black bird whose sounds resemble a cell phone ringtone) and the faces of two of her famous goddesses.

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My Curacao

Beiträge, die Dich interessieren könnten:

  • If you want to round off your trip to Caracas Bay in the east of Curacao, also known as Banda Ariba (west = Banda Abou), a s...

  • A visit to the Iguana Café is as much a part of a visit to Willemstad as the green iguana (zoolog. Iguana Iguana) is to Cura...

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  • At the eye catching and remarkable peach-colored church of Sint Willibrordus turn sharp left. Drive over the three hillocks a...

Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    Queen Emma or Queen Juliana Bridge - which one crosses the Saint Anna Bay?


    Both 😉

    The bridges connect the districts of Otrobanda and Punda across the strait of St. Anna Bay.

    The Queen Emma Bridge is the ancient, wooden pontoon bridge that can be driven completely to the shore side of Otrobanda so that ships can pass. You can only cross the 167 meter length on foot or on a maximum of 2 wheels.

    The Queen Juliana Bridge is the main connection between the city districts by car and towers above everything. The steel bridge is painted in the national colors blue and yellow, 56 meters high and 500 meters long.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle
  • When I heard the first sounds of Papiamentu, the language spoken on Curacao, it reminded me of Spanish at first, but then no...

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