Unser Curacao-Quiz

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The creole language Papiamentu is one of the three official languages on Curacao. The Taino of the indigenous people has mixed with Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and African.

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Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    What is a Truki Pan?


    Truki Pan is the local name for a street food truck.

    It translates to “bread truck,” because pan means bread. The name comes from the side dishes, which are usually bread, rice, or chips.
    The Truki Pans are grills on wheels, so they offer grilled dishes. They usually open in the evening at 9 pm and stay open until the early hours of the morning.

    If you’re a night owl, this is a great spot to check out!

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is a Truki Pan?


    Truki Pan is the local name for a street food truck.

    It translates to “bread truck,” because pan means bread. The name comes from the side dishes, which are usually bread, rice, or chips.
    The Truki Pans are grills on wheels, so they offer grilled dishes. They usually open in the evening at 9 pm and stay open until the early hours of the morning.

    If you’re a night owl, this is a great spot to check out!

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

The creole language Papiamentu is one of the three official languages on Curacao. The Taino of the indigenous people has mixed with Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and African.

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    What can I find on Mambo Beach Boulevard?


    Mambo Beach Boulevard borders directly on Mambo Beach: a hip shopping mile with a collection of restaurants and stores over two floors.

    In the stores you will find almost everything your heart desires: from beachwear and accessories, beauty and cosmetics stores, snorkeling and diving accessories to souvenirs and designer stores.

    The large selection of restaurants means there is something for every taste.

    Cool: The glass studio of radio station Dolfijn FM with a view of Mambo Beach.

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is a Truki Pan?


    Truki Pan is the local name for a street food truck.

    It translates to “bread truck,” because pan means bread. The name comes from the side dishes, which are usually bread, rice, or chips.
    The Truki Pans are grills on wheels, so they offer grilled dishes. They usually open in the evening at 9 pm and stay open until the early hours of the morning.

    If you’re a night owl, this is a great spot to check out!

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle

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