Unser Curacao-Quiz

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Playa Cas Abou is a full-service showcase beach straight out of a picture book

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  • Quiz Question

    What is Chobolobo known for?


    Chobolobo is a Landhuis and at the same time the only true Blue Curacao liqueur factory.

    The famous blue liqueur has been produced for 115 years from the peel of the Laraha orange, which only grows on Aruba and Curacao. This fact and the production in a single, ancient copper kettle limit the quantities that can be produced each year.

    There are many copies and liqueurs based on oranges, but only one original Blue Curacao.

    Does it have what it takes to become a national drink? We’ve looked into it in a blog article.

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Filming location DSDS Curacao

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is Chobolobo known for?


    Chobolobo is a Landhuis and at the same time the only true Blue Curacao liqueur factory.

    The famous blue liqueur has been produced for 115 years from the peel of the Laraha orange, which only grows on Aruba and Curacao. This fact and the production in a single, ancient copper kettle limit the quantities that can be produced each year.

    There are many copies and liqueurs based on oranges, but only one original Blue Curacao.

    Does it have what it takes to become a national drink? We’ve looked into it in a blog article.

My Curacao

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser großes Curacao-Quiz

Playa Cas Abou is a full-service showcase beach straight out of a picture book

Lust auf mehr Quizfragen?

Dann versuche Dich an der folgenden Frage oder löse gleich unsere mehr als 100 Quizfragen. Das ist eine tolle Abwechslung, während Du gechillt auf Curacao im Restaurant auf Dein Essen wartest, am Strand liegst, oder abends in Deiner Unterkunft den nächsten Tag planst. Viel Spaß!

  • Quiz Question

    Is it true that there are ostriches on Curacao?


    Yes, the largest bird in the world, the ostrich.

    Some of these flightless ratites, whose original home is Africa, live on Curacao, but not in the wild. You can visit and marvel at them at the Ostrich Farm in the east of Curacao.

    If you’re lucky, ostrich chicks will have just hatched.

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My Curacao

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Unser Partner Whitehouse Lagun
  • Quiz Question

    What is Chobolobo known for?


    Chobolobo is a Landhuis and at the same time the only true Blue Curacao liqueur factory.

    The famous blue liqueur has been produced for 115 years from the peel of the Laraha orange, which only grows on Aruba and Curacao. This fact and the production in a single, ancient copper kettle limit the quantities that can be produced each year.

    There are many copies and liqueurs based on oranges, but only one original Blue Curacao.

    Does it have what it takes to become a national drink? We’ve looked into it in a blog article.

My Curacao

#immerdabei - unsere Artikel zum mitnehmen auf einer Map - probier's aus!

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Curacao Chronicle

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Unser Partner divecuracao.info